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How Do I Connect With God?

I need to preface this by saying finding a church where you can serve and learn more about God is essential in your walk (even if it’s online for now). Surrounding yourself with people who are going to help you grow and encourage the godly life you want to live is the purpose of the church. This post will talk about additional ways to meet with God along with having a church you call home.

One thing this year has taught us is we may not always have a traditional church service to connect with God. Some worshiped online, at a drive-in, or even in a parking lot. It is absolutely beautiful how God can meet us where we are at no matter the circumstance. For a while, I thought the only ways to “feel” God were through singing worship songs, praying, or reading the bible, and although those are fantastic and important ways to connect with God they are not the only ways.

Singing worship songs may not be the way you connect with God and that is okay. I once heard a teenager say because she didn’t have this big emotional response during worship like her friends then maybe God just wasn’t real to her. You do not have to have goosebumps and cry during the service in order to know God is meeting with you. Did you learn something new? Do you feel convicted or encouraged? Then the Holy Spirit met with you. We can not put God into the small box of just being a physical response. Can he show himself in that way? Yes, but he speaks to everyone differently so make sure not to compare yourself to those around you.

Another term for connecting with God is a spiritual discipline. Do not be discouraged by the name, spiritual disciplines are not meant to be boring or difficult, in fact, quite the opposite. To quote author Richard Foster, “Joy is the keynote of all disciplines. The purpose of the disciplines is liberation (or freedom) from the suffering slavery of self-interest and fear. When the inner spirit is liberated from all that weighs it down it can hardly be described as dull drudgery. Singing, dancing, even shouting characterize the disciplines of the spiritual life.” How cool is that? We can meet with God on our own terms and they bring us joy.

He also goes on to mention other inner ways of meeting with God such as meditation, prayer, fasting, and Bible study.

Meditation: This can take extreme concentration but you don’t worry you do not need to be a natural right away. You can try to meditate starting for 3 minutes, then slowly building up time. If you don’t know what to think about, meditate on a Bible verse or worship song lyrics.

Prayer: Prayer is an easy way to relate with God because you can do it anytime any place! You can pray in the car, at work, before bed, while shopping, etc. God wants to hear from you, and if you do not know how to pray just start off talking to God like you are talking to a friend.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Fasting: There are many ways to fast and I would look into doing your own research to find which fast is right for you. However, if you have a history of eating disorders, or body image issues this may not be the spiritual discipline for you. With that said, people can also fast things other than food, it's more about giving up something to hear God through this very loud world. It is also important to make the main focus of the fast to meet with God not to lose weight or impress others because our mindset is everything while fasting.

Bible study: Studying the Bible can be very intimidating because there are a hundred different versions in thousands of different languages. I would recommend getting an NLT or NIV study Bible to start and the Blue Letter Bible’s website has plans for reading through the whole Bible in 1, 2, or 3 years. You can also get additional books that go along with your study of the Bible to get more of an in-depth understanding, one I like is called The Bible Study by Zach Windahl.

"The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God." — James Merritt

Other outer ways of connecting with God Richard Foster mentions are simplicity, solitude, submission, and service.

Simplicity: This is not to be confused with having a minimalistic lifestyle or legalism. For those who do not know either term, minimalist means to give up whatever possessions you do not need or are not essential for your everyday life. Legalism puts focus on a rule-based religion rather than a relationship with God. People may hear the word simplicity and think they need to give up materialistic things or follow a strict set of rules but simplicity means putting God first in all we do and seeking him first. It is the practice of using God as a gateway for our decision-making.

Solitude: Solitude is to me, one of the most difficult of all spiritual disciplines, not because I do not like to be alone, but because I do. Solitude does not mean being alone but being content in a room full of people. Solitude is realizing we are never truly alone and God is with us wherever we go. Of course, it is great to get away from the noise, but solitude is, “more of a state of mind and heart than a place.” Solitude is being at peace regardless of the environment around you.

Submission: Submission has such a bad connotation thanks to misinterpretation of scripture and the media. But it is something we all have the opportunity to practice. Submission at its core is choosing to honor and respect other people. Think about how many churches, marriages, partnerships, and friendships have been torn in two because people would not let go of their pride. Submission is saying I do not have to get my way because the relationship is more important than being right.

Service: Service is one of the most fun disciples because you can serve by using the talents God has given you for him! Have a great voice? Maybe serve on the worship team. Love to teach? Lead a small group. Enjoy being around kids? Volunteer for Children’s church. God can and will use your talents if you want him to, all you have to do is ask.

1 Peter 4:10, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"

More ways of connecting to God are through Creation and activism.

Creation/nature: The beach is my favorite place to be because that is where I truly feel God’s power. I look at an ocean that is much bigger than me, I realize that each piece of sand looks different under a microscope and I feel God with me. I can’t explain it, I just do. What is one area of creation where you feel God? The mountains? Forest? Sunsets? Fields of Flowers? God is all around us every day we just have to choose to see him.

Activism: Some people are meant to lead the charge to change. Activism means doing something about what you believe in. It’s not so much protesting what you hate but showing what you love. It is also not done by demeaning those you disagree with but showing who Christ is with your leadership. A way to practice activism could be as simple as passing out flyers for a local ministry or nonprofit you support.

I know I briefly touched on all of these ways to connect with God and believe it or not there are even more ways! If you would like me to go more in-depth about one please let me know and I can do that. I hope this list gave you some more ways to practice connecting with God.

"And as You speak

A hundred billion galaxies are born

In the vapor of Your breath the planets form

If the stars were made to worship so will I

I can see Your heart in everything You've made

Every burning star

A signal fire of grace

If creation sings Your praises so will I" -Hillsong Worship, So Will I song lyrics.

Sources: Spiritual Formation Paper by Rachel Krautsack, Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster.




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