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Sensing the Spirit

One doubt that reoccurs within the lives of many Christians is the doubt that the Holy Spirit is not actually with them. The doubt grows, not just when things are tough but when things are mundane and boring. When we don’t see change or don’t feel challenged, we can question the influence the Spirit has in our everyday lives. Some people and institutions even go as far as fabricating the Spirit to be reassured they are not alone. But to ease your heart, that is an unnecessary act. Whether we feel the Spirit or not, he is with us regardless.

John 14:16-17 says, “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”

The above verse tells us 5 critical things about the Holy Spirit,

1. The Father sent us the Holy Spirit.

God wants to lead his people, he walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, and when he could no longer do that, he made way for his son to walk with us. When it was time for Jesus to leave he sent the Spirit to be with us. God is continually making a way despite our feelings.

2. The Spirit is a helper.

The word helper in this context means the Spirit will help in any way possible. Whether we need comfort, strength, guidance, companionship, wisdom, etc. He can act as our source.

3. The Spirit will not abandon us.

We can ignore, avoid and deny the Spirit's work in our lives, but that does affect his presence. His presence is a promise; it is not dependent on our performance.

4. The world cannot recognize him.

Since he is the Spirit of truth, the world influenced by lies, cannot know his presence. This world will scream a lot of lies at us, and we can be easily influenced by the wrong values. Once we accept Jesus, the conviction the Holy Spirit brings to our hearts allows us to feel Biblical truth which the Holy Spirit is made up of.

5. The Spirit lives in us and will be with us.

Lucky for us, we do not have to jump through hoops and follow a strange map to find the Spirit. He already lives in you and has been with you along your journey of following Christ.

If you feel stagnant in your walk, unsure if the Spirit is with you, pray for his presence to be felt in your life. If you want tangible evidence, look at your life. Do you see more encouragement? Conviction? Joy? Peace? When we go through life, it can be challenging to recognize the way our hearts have changed over the years. But when I look back to who I was even just a couple of months ago, I see more patience and peace in my heart. What do you see?

Prayer for Sensing the Spirit:

God, Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to us.

Thank you for sending a helper, counselor, and advocator to your people.

I pray today that I see what the Spirit has done in my life and how he has changed my heart for the better.

I pray to be molded by you and not this world.

I pray to be, like the Spirit, an advocate of truth.

I pray to have more love for others.

I pray for patience.

I pray to be convicted and changed as my heart becomes more like yours.

I pray that when I feel alone, confused, and lost, his wisdom and comfort overwhelm me.

I pray to seek the Spirit for guidance and not the things of this world.

I pray to always remember your love for me.


Sources: Word Meanings in the New Testament by Ralph Earle

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